Proven Tips to Consider When Choosing Suitable Stair Lift

Stair lifts are indispensable equipment for people with mobility issues. It helps them bypass the challenges of moving up and down the stairs using crutches or quad canes. A stair lift comes with a motorized chair attached to the track, mounted on the wall of the stairway. The injured or disabled people simply need to sit on the chair and he or she will be moved up or down through the motorized gear attached to the chair. 

Here is a checklist of some crucial tips that will help you make a well-informed decision when choosing a stair lift for your elderly parents or other relatives, etc.:

Check out your staircase

Whether your staircase is straight with no intermediate landings or curved with some turns, your staircase design is going to affect your choice of a stair lift. You will require purchasing an inclined platform lift that is custom designed to match the twists and turns of the stairs. 

Consider all available stair lift options

Based on the convenience and features required, you should check out all the options like straight stair lifts, outdoor stair lift, and curved stair lifts, stair lifts with power swivel seats, folding rail, and power-folding footrest. You can check with the supplier to buy or rent a stair lift as per your need and convenience.

Check out weight capacity, price, and warranty

Besides these, you must check the weight capacity as per the user’s weight, price of stair lift, and warranty offered on the product like Pinnacle Premium Stair Lift that would give you the maximum convenience and value for money.

Considering these tips and assessing the user’s mobility needs will help you choose the most suitable stair lift for your home.  


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